For most people, eating wheat is no big deal; in fact, for many people, a bagel, muffin or toast is ...
32% of celiac patients have iron deficiency anemia
Of people diagnosed with celiac disease (CD) 46% had decreased iron storage, and 32% had anemia. Iro...
Hair, Skin, Nails & Celiac Disease
Damaged hair, brittle nails and skin issues are often symptoms of celiac disease Having healt...
What is chronic inflammation and how does celiac disease cause it to occur?
Celiac disease has been linked with several other diseases and conditions, most of which are related...
87% of people with celiac disease are not diagnosed
Recently, the media has been publishing more information about celiac disease. And that’s a go...
The facts about genetic testing for celiac disease
Why do a genetic test for celiac disease? As we know celiac disease is genetic so many doctors advis...
Autoimmune Hepatitis: Celiac Disease Patients Are At An Increased Risk
As many as 9% of patients with autoimmune hepatitis also have CD As a major organ, the liver ...
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This blog provides general information and discussion about medicine, health and related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice.